
Decryption of blood and urine tests. Deciphering the general analysis of urine and blood

Testing is one of the most reliable options for diagnosis. Information about how valid blood and urine tests, as well as other additional tests, are needed for the most accurate medical report or just so as not to waste your time in the queues once again. There are a huge number of types of tests, and it all depends on what symptoms need to be checked. In turn, the type of analysis affects the shelf life of the result.

How many different types of blood tests are valid?

General blood analysis

It is carried out to check the absence or presence of inflammatory infectious / non-infectious processes. It is also used to determine the effectiveness of previously prescribed treatment. Blood cells are checked for the presence of a sufficient number of red blood cells and their sedimentation rate (ESR), platelets, white blood cells, for coagulability, hemoglobin level. You can immediately determine the form of the detected disease - hematological, inflammatory or infectious. Conclusions of the general blood test are valid from 10 to 14 days.

Shelf life of a biochemical blood test

Biochemical blood analysis provides information on the health of internal organs, the level of the main trace elements of the blood and metabolism. The results show the presence of chemical elements and their amount in the body.  To obtain conclusions, a minimum of 5 days is required, the shelf life is 10-14 days.

Research on RW (RV)

This study is performed for suspected syphilis. RW stands for Wasserman. In an infected person, the immune system produces special antibodies, a test for the reaction helps to detect the presence of these antibodies and provides evidence to confirm or deny the disease. RW test results last from 20 to 90 days.

HIV test

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects T-lymphocytes - cells of the immune system. To detect HIV, blood samples are taken from a vein for analysis. In some cases, the initial positive result may be false. This is affected, for example, by a previous acute infectious disease. Usually, the time for preparing the results requires no more than 3 working days, the validity period is from 3 to 6 months.

For hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease that primarily affects the liver. The most common types of hepatitis A, B and C. The hepatitis vaccine has not yet been invented, so it is important to learn about the disease in time and take the necessary measures. Blood samples for hepatitis are taken on an empty stomach, after about 6 weeks from the date of possible infection, the validity period is 90 days. It is recommended to undergo an examination if such signs were noticed:

  • jaundice
  • feces color changes;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • aching muscles and joints;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium.

Sugar research

Examination of sugar samples reveals the amount of glucose in the blood. If the level is elevated, then there is a chance of diseases of the endocrine system or diabetes mellitus. Additional studies are being done to test for latent forms of the disease: an oral glucose tolerance test or a test that measures blood glucose hemoglobin (HbA1c). Samples are taken from the finger, the result is valid for 10-14 days.

How many different types of urine tests are valid?

General urine analysis

Physicochemical parameters and sediment microscopy are being studied. In this case, pay attention to the features of color, transparency, odor, acidity (pH), weight. Deviations indicate possible diseases or the development of inflammation.  For a more accurate result, urine is taken immediately after sleep, and standard hygiene procedures are performed before the biomaterial is delivered. It is important to deliver containers with biomaterial to the laboratory within 2 hours. Urine tests are valid for 10 days.

Research on Nechiporenko

If a general urinalysis showed an abnormality, then studies to confirm the diagnosis are conducted according to Nechiporenko. The collected urine is delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours, the results are prepared in 1 working day and last 10 days. This method is used to diagnose inflammatory processes of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis); detection of blood in the urine (hematuria); determining the appearance in the urine of protein-cell casts (cylindruria); to check the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Additional types of urine tests will be required:

  1. During pregnancy, it is carried out in order to exclude the presence of abnormalities in a pregnant woman and to prevent exacerbation of previously identified diseases. Blood sampling is carried out before visiting the antenatal clinic, the day before the doctor’s appointment. Shelf life is 10 days.
  2. For surgery - as this is one of the most reliable diagnostic methods. It should be remembered that the result of this study is valid from 10 to 14 days.
  3. For vaccination - you need to give urine on an empty stomach, preferably without consuming a large amount of liquid before. The analysis is needed in order to identify hidden inflammatory processes and possible pathologies of the kidneys, since vaccination with any inflammation can lead to sad consequences. The validity of the tests is 14 days.

Fecal analysis

It is important in diagnosing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment measures. Testing is used to detect abnormalities in the functioning of the stomach, liver, duodenum and small intestine; pancreatic enzymatic function; gastrointestinal tract inflammation; colitis (ulcerative, allergic, spastic). This method helps to investigate dangerous abnormal supplements in the feces: mucus, blood, pus, helminth eggs, malignant neoplasms, intestinal epithelium, etc. The sample container should be delivered no longer than 40 minutes after receiving it. Results are valid for 10 days.

Here are some basic examples of assigned tests. The most common among them are a general analysis of blood and urine. It is worth remembering that the shelf life of these studies varies depending on the type, preparations, technologies and laboratories, therefore, their validity term needs to be clarified. It is important that all results are correctly certified - have the stamps of the laboratory or a triangular seal of the hospital.

To date, one of the most affordable laboratory studies that can really assess the general condition of the human body are   blood and urine tests . They are prescribed to determine the exact diagnosis and to monitor the treatment. Blood and urine tests can be very different. They can show a variety of things - the presence of pregnancy, and the presence of inflammation in the body. As a rule, each such analysis-test has clearly defined standards with which the results are compared.

Blood analysis - This is a more extensive laboratory study, as a result of which the content and structure of the blood are examined. As you know, blood is a special tissue of the human body, in which the so-called blood cells are suspended in a fluid called plasma. Moreover, in a living organism, these blood cells are always in motion. As a result of a blood test, its structure is determined. The amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets, erythrocytes is found out, ESR is found out.

A urine test is also prescribed for all people who go to the clinic or hospital. This is a mandatory diagnostic procedure, as a result of which certain data about the human body are revealed and on their basis conclusions are drawn about the state of human health.

Types of blood and urine tests

Today, there are quite a few different types of blood and urine tests. First, you should consider a blood test. In medical institutions can be assigned:

- General clinical blood test - This is the most common laboratory test. As a result of this study, the hemoglobin concentration, the number of platelets, red blood cells, white blood cells, ESR and some other indicators are determined.

- Blood chemistry   It is prescribed for the study of carbohydrates, enzymes, vitamins, proteins, pigments, lipids, nitrogenous compounds. As a result of this analysis, kidney and liver functions are determined, and active inflammatory and rheumatic processes are detected.

- Hormone blood test   makes it possible to provide information on various hormonal disruptions that can be detected as a result of changes in the functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas and sex glands.

- Blood test for allergen   performed in order to establish the causative agent of any allergic reaction of the human body. Using this analysis, an allergen is detected and a method for controlling it is determined.

Urine tests   may also be different. This and general analysis , and   daily urine analysis , and analysis by Nichiporenko . But the most common is general analysis. As a result, its specialists determine the relative density of the liquid, transparency, color, acidity, smell, glucose, protein, bile pigments, ketone bodies and some other indicators.

Normal blood and urine counts

For any type of medical study, there are normal indicators that correspond to a healthy person. And all the test results are compared with these standards to determine if there are any deviations and how large they are.

As a rule, in the forms on which issued test results , all regulatory indicators are already entered. This also applies to blood and urine. But you need to understand that these forms fit the indicators for an adult. And some of them differ not only in age, but also in gender. So, not always what is written on the form can be taken as the norm.

For instance, in general blood test   hemoglobin levels are different in men and women. For women, it is 120-150 g / l, and for men - 130-170 g / l. It differs by sex and such an indicator as the number of red blood cells. In men, it is 4.0-5.0 1012 / l, and in women - 3.5-4.7 1012 / l. But the number of leukocytes is the same for both women and men and is 4.0-9.0x109 / l

  Analysis of urine   also has its own specific norms. So, the normal color of urine is straw yellow, transparent. The smell should not be unpleasant. Urine density ranges from 1.003-1.004 to 1.028 (this is in adults, and in children under four years old - 1.025).

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Features of decoding the general analysis of urine in adults, children and pregnant women

A general urine test is a clinical study necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. In laboratory conditions, the physicochemical parameters of this biological fluid are determined, and the sediment is separately diagnosed.

Disturbances in the body's work are primarily manifested in the composition of urine. Having noticed deviations from the norm in time, one can avoid severe forms of diseases.

Features of urine collection

The delivery of urine for analysis does not require almost any effort on the part of a person. The liquid must be collected immediately after sleep in a washed jar. The genital area must be washed before the procedure to prevent bacteria from entering.

For the most accurate results, you should not drink alcohol or diuretics the day before your urinalysis. Fresh fruits and vegetables can unjustifiably change the color of a liquid. A medical limitation is cystoscopy no later than a week before the test.

Women during the menstrual cycle should not be allowed to get menstrual blood in the urine.

In the laboratory, a fixed volume of urine is taken, an approximate norm is 50 ml. It is necessary to deliver the collected analysis to the clinic no later than 2 hours after the fence.

  • If for such a period of time it is not possible to bring urine, it is necessary to put the jar in the refrigerator. The result of the analysis can be obtained within the next day.

Deciphering the general analysis of urine in adults, the norm

Each indicator in the card of the result of the analysis of urine either corresponds to the norm, or indicates a specific disease. For laboratory diagnostics, not only the composition of the liquid is important, but the color, texture, smell.

Table: general urine analysis norm and decoding of results in adults

Under the table, all analysis indicators and possible diseases are described in detail, which are indicated by a deviation from the norm (increase / decrease).

Indicator Analysis result
Color light yellow
Transparency transparent
Density 1010 - 1022 g / l
PH reaction sour 4 - 7
Smell Unsharp
PRO (protein) 0.033 g / l
GLU (glucose) 0.8 mmol / l
KET (ketone bodies) no (negative)
BIL (bilirubin) not
URO (urobilinogen) not
Hemoglobin not
LEU (white blood cells) 0 - 3 (m) \\ 0 - 6 (f)
BLD (red blood cells) (m) single \\ (g) 2 - 3
Epithelium to 10
Cylinders not
Salt not
NIT (nitrates and bacteria) not
Fungus not

Let us dwell on each indicator separately.

Urine color

With the evaluation of the color of the liquid, the decoding of the urinalysis begins. In adults, the norm is shades from light yellow to saturated straw. Other color variations indicate abnormalities in the work of organs. Deviations are as follows:

  • Pale urine - indicates excessive fluid intake, pancreatic dysfunction (diabetes and diabetes insipidus) and renal failure.
  • The color of ocher is classic intoxication dehydration or heart failure.
  • Brown urine is a liver disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis), the destruction of red blood cells after some infections, especially after malaria.
  • A bright red hue is the presence of blood in the urine. It can be caused by the presence of stones in the bladder, kidney infarction, pyelonephritis (acute course), and urinary tract cancer.
  • The faded red color indicates an abundant consumption of “coloring fruits”: beets, carrots, grapes, black currants. There is no danger.
  • Red-brown urine is a consequence of taking sulfonamides.
  • A grayish shade with a pronounced sediment - kidney stones, tuberculosis or kidney infarction, rapid destruction of red blood cells. The use of streptocide and pyramidone also gives this shade.
  • Black color - Mikelli's disease (a hereditary form of anemia), melanoma.

The color of urine is affected by food taken a day before its delivery. To find out the exact result, it is not advisable to eat coloring fruits and take the above drugs.

Transparency level

Urine should not become cloudy within 2 hours after its collection. A small presence of mucus and epithelial cells is acceptable. Loss of transparency is possible if the liquid contains:

  • White blood cells - cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Red blood cells - prostatitis, urolithiasis, cancer;
  • Protein cells - glomerulo- and pyelonephritis;
  • Bacteria - bacterial cystitis, pyelonephritis;
  • Excessive epithelium - renal failure;
  • Cretaceous precipitation is an urolithiasis.

Urine transparency is mostly affected by kidney health. In addition, clouding may occur if hygiene is not observed during sampling. Therefore, when identifying pathological abnormalities, it is shown to conduct a second study with another portion of urine.

Urine smell

An analysis may have a subtle smell. The appearance of a specific aroma indicates inflammatory and putrefactive processes in the urinary tract:

  • The presence of acetone notes in the smell indicates diabetes;
  • The similarity of smell with feces indicates the presence of a fistula from the rectum;
  • Ammonia is felt in the urine due to fermentation processes caused by cystitis;
  • The smell of rot is caused by gangrene of the urinary tract.

Urine has a very unpleasant odor if garlic or horseradish has been ingested.

Specific Gravity (S. G.)

The normal relative density of urine in an adult is from 1.005 to 1.028. The increased specific gravity is caused by a lack of fluid intake or its excessive waste of the body (vomiting, diarrhea, fever, excessive physical activity with increased sweating).

This process can be caused by diabetes mellitus and toxicosis during pregnancy. Reducing urine output is called oliguria.

Below normal values \u200b\u200bare caused by renal failure. Also, a high coefficient can be justified by the consumption of a large volume of liquid or by taking diuretics. A more accurate picture of the specific gravity will show - the analysis is delivered within 24 hours - 8 portions are collected every 3 hours.

Urine PH (acidity level)

The acidity in the body changes throughout the day, so the analysis and surrenders on an empty stomach. During filtration, the kidneys remove hydrogen ions from the blood. The norm of the pH indicator of urine is 4-7.

If PH is above 7:

  • An increase in the amount of potassium and parathyroid hormones in the blood;
  • Lack of animal food;
  • Metabolic, respiratory alkalosis;
  • Urinary tract infection.

The acidity index increases with the use of drugs based on adrenaline and nicotinamide.

If PH is below 4:

  • Decreased amount of potassium in the blood;
  • Dehydration, starvation, fever;
  • Diabetes;
  • Abundant consumption of meat products.

The acidity decreases when taking diacarb, aspirin, methionine.

Urinary Protein (PRO)

Normally, there should be no protein in the urine (PRO neg). Decoding neg - the absence of any component in the card of the result of the general analysis. Traces of protein are found after intense physical exertion or hypothermia.

  • A stable positive factor PRO indicates chronic pyelonephritis and hypertension.

Glucose in a general urine test (GLU)

The presence of sugar in the urine indicates problems with the pancreas. The patient is usually diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus or the excessive presence of carbohydrates in the diet.

Ketone bodies (KET)

This indicator is violated in people who change their diet in order to lose weight. The positive effect of the diet is noticeable if ketones are present in the urine. This is due to the fact that the body synthesizes its own fat reserves.

  • Medical reasons: diabetes, acute pancreatitis, glycogen disease.

Bilirubin (BIL)

In a healthy adult, bilirubin is absent. Its presence indicates liver diseases:

  • Cirrhosis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Cholestasis;
  • Subhepatic jaundice.

A similar effect on the analysis results has alcohol and other toxic substances consumed the day before. In chronic alcoholism, pathological changes are persistent.

Urobilinogen (URO)

The presence of urobilinogen suggests that bile enters the small intestine in excess. Typical diseases are constipation, jaundice, and initial liver damage.

Hemoglobin in the analysis of urine

Normally, this indicator should be negative. If hemoglobin, which appeared during the breakdown of red blood cells, enters the urine, then the patient has one of the following pathologies:

  • Extensive heart attack;
  • Malaria;
  • Crash syndrome (muscle damage due to injuries);
  • Sulfide or mushroom poisoning;
  • Bleeding in the urinary system.

Hemoglobin in a small amount is present in the urine normally after a blood transfusion.

Red blood cells (BLD)

BLD decoding should have no more than 3 units of red blood cells in women and no more than 1 in men. If an accumulation of red blood bodies is detected in the urine, then there are serious kidney problems:

  • Glomerulonephritis;
  • Nephrotic syndrome, kidney infarction;
  • Urolithiasis disease.

White blood cells (LEU)

LEU decoding allows up to 6 leukocytes in the urine in women and up to 3 in men. This indicator is considered an indicator of the presence of diseases of the urinary system and kidneys. The diagnosis of leukocyturia can be absolutely any, you need an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder.

Epithelial cells

Epithelial cells normally should be present in the analysis in small quantities - up to 10. A higher indicator indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. In the laboratory, you can find out the epithelium of which organ is present. This will help in the diagnosis.

Features of the general analysis of urine in pregnant women

Expectant mothers should regularly have a general urine test. Decryption in pregnant women corresponds to the classical norms of an adult.

Inflammatory processes of the bladder are characteristic for every second woman carrying a fetus - therefore, their early diagnosis is important. The pathology of the kidneys is more serious, therefore, an examination in a hospital is necessary.

  • It is especially important to promptly identify asymptomatic bacteriuria. In this condition, there are no clinical manifestations, but there are changes in the urine - bacteria are detected.

All this can lead to various obstetric complications, therefore, timely intake of authorized antibiotics is required.

Features of decoding the general analysis of urine in children

The interpretation of the general analysis of urine in a child complies with the principles of adult diagnosis. Features - more flexible indicators in children under 5 years. In the urine of a child, unlike an adult, the following are permissible:

  • Protein;
  • Glucose;
  • Urobilinogen;
  • Ketones;
  • Bilirubin;
  • Salt.

Such components are explained by the early age of children and the characteristics of the diet. Cellular inclusions (leukocytes, red blood cells) must strictly comply with "adult" standards. A card with the results of a general urinalysis must be shown to the pediatrician without fail.

Indications for urinalysis

A general urine test is needed to determine almost any disease. It is especially important when it comes to nephritis, nephrosis, nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and other pathologies of the excretory system of the body.

In addition to urinary tract diseases, the analysis helps diagnose tumors and inflammations. This study is called general clinical because for any complaints, patients are included in the standard of examination.

A general urine test is indispensable in the following cases:

  • Suspicions of the inflammatory process in the renal and urinary canals;
  • Transfer of a bacterial infection provoked by streptococci (1-2 weeks after recovery);
  • The need to find out whether the treatment method is selected correctly and whether there is progress in recovery;
  • Additional research in the framework of any diagnosis;
  • Preventive examination of each person 1-2 times a year;
  • Identification of bacteriuria (the presence of bacteria in the urine) in the absence of any clinical signs.

Urine tests are guided during a diagnosis, as well as blood tests. In the result card, you can see how the body reacts to the stimulus. The expanded picture helps to clarify simultaneously several aspects in the interaction of internal systems.

You should not forget about the preventive analysis 1-2 times a year, because any disease is easier to cure in the early stages.

Urinalysis is a comprehensive laboratory study that reveals a number of physical and chemical characteristics of a substance; a number of diagnoses can be made on its basis.

Due to its simplicity and high information content, this analysis is an integral part of any research. Based on the data received, the doctor makes a diagnosis, and, if necessary, writes out a referral for further research and appoints visits to relevant specialists.

The subject of this article will be a transcript of the results of a general analysis of urine in adults in the form of a table, as well as normal rates.

What indicators are decrypting?

Deciphering the general analysis of urine involves a description of the urine according to the following indicators:

  • transparency;
  • color;
  • specific gravity and acidity.

Then, the presence of specific substances in the urine, such as:

  • protein;
  • glucose;
  • bile pigments;
  • ketone bodies;
  • hemoglobin;
  • inorganic substances;
  • blood cells (white blood cells, red blood cells, etc.), as well as cells found in the genitourinary tract (epithelium and its derivatives - cylinders).

This procedure is assigned in case of:

  • an auxiliary study of the urinary system (urinalysis can be prescribed for pathologies associated with other organs);
  • monitoring the development of diseases and checking the quality of their treatment;
  • diagnosis of pathologies of the urinary system;
  • routine inspection.

Using the analysis, you can diagnose a variety of kidney diseases, problems with the prostate gland, bladder diseases, tumors, pyelonephritis, as well as a number of pathological conditions in the early stages when there are no clinical manifestations as such.

How to collect and pass a general urine test correctly?

Before collecting urine, you need to make a thorough toilet of the genitourinary organs in order to exclude the ingress of external contaminants into the liquid. Urine must be collected in sterile containers, the so-called containers for bioassay.

12 hours before the collection of the substance, it is necessary to refuse to take any medications that can change the physico-chemical parameters of urine. The analysis itself should be carried out no later than two hours after sampling.

For a general urinalysis, it is necessary to collect the morning fluid, which physiologically accumulated throughout the night. It is such material that is considered optimal, and the results of its research are reliable.

Norm and interpretation of results: table

The table shows the indicators of the general analysis of urine normal in adults, in the presence of any deviations, it is necessary to decrypt.

Urine analysis is currently being performed quite quickly, despite a large number of indicators and criteria. The properties and composition of urine can vary widely depending on the condition of the kidneys and the body as a whole, which is why it is of great diagnostic value.

Urine color

The color of urine depends on the amount of fluid taken and on the concentration ability of the kidneys. Prolonged secretion of pale, colorless or watery urine is characteristic of

  • non-sugar and;
  • chronic renal failure.

Intensively colored urine is excreted with large extrarenal loss of fluid (with fever, diarrhea). Pink-red or red-brown color, caused by an admixture of "fresh" blood happens when:

  • tumors;
  • kidney infarction;

Urine excretion of the “meat slop” type is characteristic of patients with acute glomerulonephritis. The dark red color of urine appears with massive hemolysis of red blood cells. In jaundice, urine acquires a brown or greenish-brown color (“beer color”). The black color of urine is characteristic of alkaptonuria, melanosarcoma, melanoma. Milky white color of urine appears with lipiduria.


Also a very important criterion in the diagnosis. Normally, it should be transparent. This property is maintained for the first few hours after collection of the analysis.

Causes of clouding of urine:

  • inclusion of red blood cells with urolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and.
  • a large number of leukocytes in inflammatory diseases.
  • the presence of bacteria.
  • high content .
  • increased content of epithelial cells.
  •   in large volumes.

Slight turbidity due to epithelial cells and a small amount of mucus is allowed. Typically, urine has a specific, unsharp odor. Most people know him well. With some diseases, it can also change. In infectious diseases of the bladder, a strong smell of ammonia, or even rot, may appear. In diabetes, urine has the smell of rotten apples.

Urine reaction (acidity, pH)

The usual reaction of urine is weakly acid, urine pH fluctuations in the range of 4.8-7.5 are allowed.

  • the pH rises with some infections of the urinary system, chronic renal failure, prolonged vomiting, hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, and hyperkalemia.
  • A decrease in pH occurs with tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, dehydration, hypokalemia, and fever.

Specific gravity

This indicator normally has a fairly wide range: from 1.012 to 1.025. The specific gravity is determined by the amount of substances dissolved in the urine: salts, uric acid, urea, creatinine.

An increase in relative density of more than 1026 is called hyperstenuria. This condition is observed when:

  • an increase in edema;
  • nephrotic syndrome;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • toxicosis of pregnant women;
  • the introduction of radiopaque substances.

A decrease in HC or hypostenuria (less than 1018) is detected with:

  • acute lesion of the tubules of the kidney;
  • diabetes insipidus;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • malignant increase in blood pressure
  • taking certain diuretics
  • heavy drink

The specific gravity value reflects the ability of the human kidneys to concentrate and dilute.


In a healthy person, the protein concentration should not exceed 0.033g / liter. If this indicator is exceeded, then we can talk about nephrotic syndrome, the presence of inflammation and many other pathologies.

Among the diseases that cause an increase in the concentration of protein in the urine are:

  • colds,
  • urinary tract diseases
  • kidney disease.

Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • cystitis,
  • vulvovaginitis,
  • bPH.

In all these cases, the protein concentration rises to 1 g / liter.

Glucose (sugar)

In the normal state, glucose should not be detected, but its content in a concentration of not more than 0.8 mmol per liter is permissible and does not indicate deviations.

Decryption of urine analysis in Latin with a large amount of glucose may indicate:

  • cushing's syndrome;
  • pregnancy
  • sweet food abuse.

However, the most common reason for excess urine sugar is. To confirm this diagnosis, in addition to a urinalysis, a general blood test is usually prescribed.

Ketone bodies

These are acetone, acetoacetic acid and hydroxybutyric. The reason for the presence of ketone bodies in the urine is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. This condition can be observed with pathologies of various systems.

Causes of ketone bodies in urine:

  • diabetes;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • after injuries affecting the central nervous system;
  • acetic vomiting in children;
  • prolonged fasting;
  • the predominance of protein and fatty foods in the diet;
  • an increase in the level of thyroid hormones (thyrotoxicosis);
  • itsenko Cushing's disease.



A cylinder is a protein that has curled up in the lumen of the renal tubules and includes any contents of the lumen of the tubules. In the urine of a healthy person, single cylinders in the field of vision can be detected per day. Normally, in the general analysis of urine, there are no cylinders. The appearance of cylinders (cylindruria) is a symptom of kidney damage. The type of cylinders (hyaline, granular, pigmented, epithelial, etc.) has no special diagnostic value.


Hemoglobin in normal urine is absent. A positive test result reflects the presence of free hemoglobin or myoglobin in the urine. This is the result of intravascular, intrarenal, urinary erythrocyte hemolysis with the release of hemoglobin, or muscle damage and necrosis, accompanied by an increase in plasma myoglobin level.

The presence of myoglobin in the urine:

  • muscle damage;
  • heavy physical activity, including sports training;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • progressive myopathies;
  • rhabdomyolysis.

The presence of hemoglobin in the urine:

  • severe hemolytic anemia;
  • severe poisoning, for example, sulfonamides, phenol, aniline. poisonous mushrooms;
  • sepsis;
  • burns.

It is quite difficult to distinguish hemoglobinuria from myoglobinuria, sometimes myoglobinuria is mistaken for hemoglobinuria.


Normally, bilirubin should be excreted as part of bile into the intestinal lumen. However, in some cases there is a sharp increase in the level of blood bilirubin, in this case, the kidneys partially take on the function of removing this organic substance from the body.

Causes of bilirubin in the urine:

  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • liver failure;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • massive destruction of red blood cells (malaria, toxic hemolysis, hemolytic disease, sickle cell anemia).

Red blood cells

Red blood cells in the urine analysis of healthy people should be absent. The maximum allowable single red blood cells detected in several fields of view. The appearance in the urine of red blood cells can be both pathological and physiological in nature.

White blood cells

In the urine of a healthy person, they are contained in a small amount. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the urine (leukocyturia) indicates inflammatory processes in the kidneys (pyelonephritis) or urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis).

Possible so-called sterile leukocyturia. This is the presence of leukocytes in the urine in the absence of bacteriuria and dysuria (with exacerbation of chronic glomerulonephritis, pollution during urine collection, condition after antibiotic treatment, bladder tumors, kidney tuberculosis, interstitial analgesic nephritis).


Mushrooms in the urine

Often, Candida mushrooms enter the bladder from the vagina. If they are detected, antifungal treatment is prescribed.


Mucus should not normally be in the urine. Its presence indicates an acute or chronic inflammatory process of the genitourinary system.

Urine salts

In the end, I would like to add that a general urinalysis is an important diagnostic indicator. A person can independently pay attention to a change in urine and consult a doctor. Even healthy people are advised to take this test at least once a year. It should also be remembered that a single result is not an indicator of pathology. It is very important to take tests in dynamics to make a final conclusion about the presence of the disease.

A clinical blood test is one of the most commonly prescribed: there is hardly at least one person in a civilized country who has not been tested. Doctors of various specialties can prescribe the analysis: therapist, ENT specialist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, hematologist. It must be carried out in order to:

  • identify various inflammatory and infectious diseases, confirm the alleged diagnosis;
  • diagnose blood diseases;
  • monitor the effectiveness of the selected treatment;
  • assess the condition of a person before a planned surgical intervention or during hospitalization;

conduct a preventive examination.

How to take?

Blood for research can be taken both from a vein and from a finger (the latter option is observed less and less). It is advisable to take it on an empty stomach, at least not earlier than 4 hours after eating. On the eve, it is desirable to exclude increased physical exertion, stress and excitement, as well as alcohol intake.

Keep in mind that standards may vary in different laboratories. This is due to the use of different equipment and reagents. We give the most common norms, but in each particular case, you must first take into account the values \u200b\u200bwritten in your form. If it is necessary to monitor the state of the body in dynamics, it is advisable to donate blood again in the same laboratory as for the first time.

We look at the form!

There are many indicators in the general blood test form, but many of them are of interest only to doctors. It is important for patients to pay attention only to some columns.

   Indicator    Norm Deviations from the norm and their causes
   Increase    Decline
Blood consists of the liquid part (plasma) and blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. By determining the hematocrit, we imagine what percentage of the volume these cells account for.
   Sometimes the indicator is calculated not in percent, but in liters of cells per liter of total blood volume (l / l). 0.45 l / l -
   same as 45%.
   In men, rates can be 2-3% higher than in women.
   including against the background of excessive sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, diuretics.
  •   excess intake of fluid in the body;
  •   anemia.
Red blood cells
   These are red blood cells, the most numerous blood cells. Their volume is very small, only 7-10 microns. But if you add all the red blood cells of the body together, their volume will be approximately 1.5 thousand times the surface of the human body.
For men -
   3.9-5.5 × 10¹² / l;
   For women -
   3.9-4.7 × 10¹² / l.
  •   blood system diseases;
  • oxygen starvation associated with pulmonary diseases, heart defects, smoking.
  •   anemia;
  •   profuse blood loss in the recent past, trauma;
  •   non-compliance with the drinking regime, when too much fluid enters the body.
Nothing wrong! An increase in the level of red blood cells is a natural reaction when climbing to a height where the air is more rarefied. A moderate decrease can normally be observed during pregnancy.
   This is a protein that is located inside the red blood cell and is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to cells and tissues. Thanks to hemoglobin, the blood has a red color.
For men -
   132-164 g / l;
   For women -
   115-145 g / l.
  •   a natural reaction to being in thin air;
  • some diseases in which the level of red blood cells increases.
  •   blood loss due to trauma, surgery, childbirth, too profuse
  • menstruation;
  • anemia.
White blood cells
   These are white blood cells responsible for immune defense. They recognize and neutralize foreign microorganisms and substances, destroy the cells of their own body that began to break down. By determining the level of white blood cells, you can understand whether the body is undergoing an inflammatory process.
Not higher
   4-9 × 109 / l.
  •   inflammatory process;
  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • some neoplasms;
  • intoxication of the body.
  • autoimmune diseases in which the immune system takes over the foreign cells of its own body and begins to attack them;
  • protracted, prolonged infections and inflammatory diseases;
  • hematopoiesis, when white blood cells are formed in insufficient quantities;
  • diseases of the spleen, due to which it destroys white blood cells faster than usual;
  • general depletion of the body.
   These are blood cells responsible for its coagulation. They are able to stick together with each other, forming a clot,
   which, like a cork, closes
   in the vessel and
   180-320 × 109 / l.
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • anemia due to blood loss, hemolytic anemia;
  • condition after surgery
  • operations.
  • anemia due to a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid, aplastic anemia;
  • some diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • some viral and bacterial infections;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • after blood transfusions.
red blood cells
   ESR is speed
   with which blood
   placed in a test tube with a special preservative, is divided into two layers: plasma and solid part. Earlier this
   indicator called
   settling reaction
   red blood cells
   or ROE.

For men -
   from 1 to 10 mm / h.
   For women -
   from 2 to 15 mm / h.

  • availability
  • in organism
  • inflammatory process;
  • diseases
  • not associated with inflammation: anemia, nephrotic syndrome, chronic nephritis, some blood diseases;
  • normal reaction during pregnancy and after childbirth - in these cases does not require correction.
  • an excess of red blood cells in the blood;
  • severe circulatory failure;
  • some liver diseases;
  • taking certain medications, such as calcium chloride and acetylsalicylic acid preparations.

ESR increases with any inflammation - both completely harmless and life-threatening. It grows with pneumonia, and with tuberculosis, and with arthritis, and in the event that a person cut his finger. According to one analysis, the diagnosis is not made - only after a wide examination.

General urine analysis  (it is also called clinical) - one of the most prescribed laboratory tests. What health information can I get from it?

Indicator Norm Deviations from the norm
Color Straw yellow, other yellow shades are also allowed. Reddish and brown colors indicate the presence of blood in the urine (typical for kidney disease, urolithiasis, cystitis). Yellow-brown color (the color of tea or beer) - on the pathology of the liver or gall bladder. Pale watery urine - for kidney problems, diabetes insipidus. Sometimes the color changes due to food, for example, urine becomes reddish when eating beets. Therefore, this indicator is evaluated only together with others.
Transparency Complete, absolute Urine may be cloudy if it contains red blood cells, white blood cells, sediment of salts or bacteria. True, this applies only to fresh analyzes. Already after 1-1.5 hours after collection, urine becomes turbid in a natural way, and this does not mean anything.
Acidity (pH) Slightly acidic, from 5.0 to 7.0 units An increase in pH can be observed with chronic renal failure, infections of the urinary system, an excess of potassium in the blood. Excessive reduction - with diabetes, lack of blood potassium, dehydration.
Relative density (specific gravity) In the range of 1010-1030 g / l Increased density is observed with insufficient intake of fluid in the body and its profuse loss, with glomerulonephritis, diabetes mellitus. Excessively low urine density is a consequence of excessively heavy drinking, taking diuretics, chronic renal failure, and diabetes insipidus.
Protein None, although residual traces are allowed - up to 0.033 g / l (the indicator may vary in different laboratories) The appearance of protein in the urine is a sign of impaired renal function, diabetic nephropathy, diseases of the cardiovascular system and urinary tract infections. In healthy people, protein can appear after serious physical exertion, but only in small quantities.
Glucose    Is absent The presence of glucose in the urine is a sign of impaired renal function (e.g., renal failure, chronic nephritis), as well as diabetes mellitus. Sometimes such a reaction can be observed with excessive consumption of sweets.
Ketone bodies    Are absent Ketone bodies appear in urine only if their total content in the body increases. For example, with diabetes, prolonged starvation, poor nutrition, alcohol intoxication.
Bilirubin    Is absent The appearance of bilirubin in the urine is a sign of a violation of the liver and biliary tract, some types of anemia. It can also be observed with the resorption of large hematomas after an injury.
Flat epithelium (tissue lining the lower urinary tract) In men, there are single cells in the field of view. In women, there are more cells, as part of this epithelium enters the urine from the vagina. An increase in the content of squamous epithelium is usually not important, but sometimes it may indicate lower urinary tract infections.
Transitional epithelium (tissue lining the bladder, ureters, renal pelvis, large ducts of the prostate gland) Single cells in sight An increase in the level can be observed with cystitis, urolithiasis.
Renal epithelium (tissue lining the renal tubules)    Is absent The presence in the urine is a sign of glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, kidney infarction. Requires prompt contact with a nephrologist.
Red blood cells In women - up to 3 red blood cells in the field of view. For men - up to 1 red blood cells in the field of view. An increase in the level of red blood cells in the urine is a sign of the presence of blood in it. Most often, the cause is urolithiasis, kidney disease, prostatitis, cystitis, hypertension (if it led to damage to the kidneys), injuries, and bleeding disorders.
White blood cells In women - up to 6 leukocytes in sight. In men - up to 3 leukocytes in sight. An increase in white blood cell count is a sign of an inflammatory process in the kidneys, bladder or urinary tract. And also - some gynecological diseases (white blood cells can enter the urine sample from the vagina).
Cylinders (special structures that form in the renal tubules)    Are absent The appearance of cylinders in the urine is a sign of a serious renal pathology: glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, renal amyloidosis. Moreover, the type of cylinders (hyaline, granular, erythrocyte, epithelial, etc.) is not critical - in any case, a doctor’s consultation is needed as soon as possible.
Salt    Are absent The presence of salts is a sign of a high risk of urolithiasis or its presence. The likelihood of other diseases is assessed when determining the specific type of salt. Urates indicate the possibility of gout, acute or chronic nephritis, chronic renal failure. Oxalates - the likelihood of pyelonephritis, diabetes. Phosphates - too high urine calcium, cystitis. Salts can appear in the urine and with certain imbalances in the diet.
Bacteria Not more than 10,000 bacteria in 1 ml of urine or not more than 1 bacteria in the field of view The presence of a larger number of bacteria indicates cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis.


In order for the results of a general analysis of urine to be reliable, it is important to collect it correctly.

On the eve you need to avoid food that can stain urine, spicy and too salty foods. Drinking regimen should be normal - no need to drink more or less. Do not take a diuretic.

You need to collect the first morning urine for analysis. It is advisable that the collection container be sterile - such are sold in a pharmacy.

Before collection, thoroughly wash with an intimate hygiene product or soap.

Starting urination, the first 1-2 seconds you need to urinate in the toilet and only then, without interrupting the stream, substitute the container and collect 50-100 ml of urine into it (the rest can be flushed to the toilet).

Having tightly closed the container with a lid, it must be delivered to the laboratory collection point as quickly as possible - for a maximum of one and a half hours.