
The burning question of a nursing mother: is it possible to get pregnant during lactation? In which cases you can not get pregnant and when you can be deceived? Is it possible to get pregnant during replacement.

There is a popular belief that conception does not occur during breastfeeding, but at present, the probability of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding is very high, and the main reason is the refusal of methods of contraception by ignorance or their unreliability.

When conception is not possible during breastfeeding

To understand why you can become pregnant during breastfeeding, we will get acquainted with the processes taking place in the female body at this time in more detail.

After childbirth, to support the process of milk production, Mom produces prolactin during breastfeeding. A sufficient amount of it in the blood blocks ovulation. And therefore there is no menstruation and fertilization is impossible.

Breastfeeding Prolactin Production

Such a natural contraceptive effect is possible:

  • When feeding at least 8 times a day at the first request of the baby;
  • If the baby is not fed and is not given a dummy to reassure;
  • After 3 months of feeding, the mother has not yet recovered the cycle.

Milk Feeding with a Shortage of Milk

When feeding a baby with mixtures, in case of a lack of breast milk, the ovaries can wake up at any time, since there is a decrease in prolactin, and this helps to resume the growth of follicles.

  Why you can not get pregnant during breastfeeding immediately after childbirth, because prolactin is produced and it blocks ovulation.

Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding

When pregnancy occurs

Restoring the rhythm of menstruation depends on the level of this hormone that every woman comes in due time. Therefore, to become pregnant during breastfeeding at such a moment is easier than ever and you need to remember about contraception so that the unwanted conception does not become an unpleasant surprise for you.

For non-nursing mothers, the situation is even more complicated. They can conceive and a month after birth. In this case, prolactin is not produced, and the body perceives the moment of birth of the child as the end of the last cycle and starts a new one. But most often, full restoration of the function of the genital organs in such mothers occurs after 6-8 weeks. Nevertheless, do not overlook the personality of each girl.

It is worth remembering that it is also possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding without menstruation. This phenomenon occurs when the first egg after the birth matures. It occurs with a sperm in the fallopian tube, fertilization occurs, and the cycle never reaches the first menstruation.

Processes during conception during breastfeeding

Now let's see what happens in the body of a woman when conception happened during breastfeeding:

  • There are changes in the reproductive and endocrine systems.
  • The content of sex hormones increases, the corpus luteum in the ovary intensely produces progesterone.
  • From the fifth week of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow, the supply of blood to the genitals increases, the work of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands changes.
  • In the cardiovascular system, the volume of circulating blood increases, changes in the nervous system cause a change in mood, drowsiness, some lethargy, nausea, etc.
  • The load on the kidneys increases, which can lead to an exacerbation of a bacterial infection.
  If conception happened during breastfeeding, this will not disregard the reproductive and endocrine system, increase progesterone production and stress on the kidneys.

Contraceptive use during breastfeeding

And all these negative phenomena occur in the body that is not strong after the previous birth. Not all processes have returned to normal after birth stress, and the woman is already experiencing an additional burden on them. Naturally, it is desirable to prevent such a situation and prevent it in time by using contraceptives.

As you can see, it is quite possible to become pregnant during breastfeeding, but how correct is it? Experts advise between births to withstand an interval of 2 years, so that a complete restoration of the functions of all systems and organs occurs.

Complications of repeated pregnancy and breastfeeding

Then you do not have to face the complications that occur during a quick second pregnancy:

  • Progressive or just begun varicose veins of the legs, which was not in the previous birth;
  • Decreased muscle tone of the cervix that occurs when it is torn;
  • With caesarean section, the presence of a still alive scar threatening discrepancy;
  • Anemia after the first birth;
  • Inflammatory diseases (for example, endometritis) that appear after the birth of a baby;
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.

During childbirth, you may experience:

  • Weak labor associated with a weakening of the muscles of the abdominal wall has not yet returned to normal;
  • Postpartum haemorrhage.

Tips for expectant mothers on the forum about re-getting pregnant while breastfeeding

Repeated pregnancy while feeding the baby is a great test, but its interruption can cause even more formidable complications. The decision in this difficult issue should be taken by the mother herself, she must assess her strength in raising both babies and correctly solve the problem.

Well, and if it turned out to become pregnant during breastfeeding, the forum and the advice of mothers in a similar situation may possibly help you in making the right decision.

Chance of Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

A gynecologist in a video review answers the question of becoming pregnant while breastfeeding without menstruation or in the first days of the menstrual cycle

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Many women who have just had a baby are interested in the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during lactation. It is widely believed that while a woman is breastfeeding, she cannot become pregnant.

But practice shows a different result. Forgetting the precautions, mothers after 2-3 months discover that they are carrying a new life under their hearts. How really?


In medical terminology, the inability to get pregnant while breastfeeding is called natural contraception. But this method does not always work.

Restoring reproductive function in women after childbirth is different. In some, it lasts the entire period of lactation, while for others a few weeks are enough. Unfortunately, the woman herself does not know when this period will end.

Conception is possible, even if there are no periods. This fact is confirmed by medical practice and many reviews of mothers talk about it.

The first ovulation after childbirth can pass before the onset of a new menstrual cycle. If the intimacy between a man and a woman occurred precisely at this moment, then pregnancy can occur. You can get pregnant with a probability of 10%, this is statistics.

Natural contraception, the pros and cons

Dear readers, if you come across the term "lactational aminorrhea" in literature, then you know that it is a question of natural contraception. There is a chance of pregnancy, but it is not too high.

Even if there are periods, in the body of a woman during lactation hormones are produced that reduce fertility. One such hormone is prolactin. If there is a lot of it, then the possibility of pregnancy is reduced.

In order for natural contraception to be as effective as possible, several rules must be followed:

  • You need to feed the baby on demand, and not on the clock. Supplementation and the use of mixtures reduces the effect of prolactin and increases the likelihood of pregnancy.
  • If the baby is more than 6 months old, then the possibility of pregnancy significantly increases. At this age, the baby already needs complementary foods, and the amount of milk consumed is gradually decreasing. During this period, you should no longer rely on natural contraception, but rather use contraceptives.

If pregnancy does occur, her symptoms will fully correspond to those that the woman experienced with her first child.

Toxicosis, weakness, and increased body temperature will manifest independently of lactation. However, it will be more difficult to recognize an “interesting position” this time, since there is no menstruation, and a delay cannot be a direct sign of pregnancy.

To avoid the undesirable effects of intimacy, dear readers, use safe contraceptives. Which method is better to choose, the doctor will tell.

How to protect yourself?

If you used oral contraceptives before your previous pregnancy, you should forget about them during lactation. The substances contained in the preparations will adversely affect the child.

The use of this type of contraceptive is possible only if you completely abandoned breastfeeding. But do not rush to wean the baby from the chest, let him be fed with "mother's strength."

Available and not affecting the health of the baby means can be:

  • Condoms or vaginal diaphragm. The first method has established itself as the safest and most effective. If a woman has sexual intercourse in a condom causes discomfort due to the dryness of the vagina, you can use a special lubricant. The vaginal diaphragm is a latex cap equipped with a spring that prevents sperm from entering the uterus. Its effectiveness, like a condom, is 90%.
  • Intravaginal creams, suppositories, or tablets that inhibit sperm activity. The active ingredients of the drugs do not pass into breast milk, and therefore such contraception is considered safe when breastfeeding.
  • Intrauterine device. It can be installed already a month and a half after the birth. This is the optimal time, since the uterine cervix is \u200b\u200bstill ajar, and it will be easier for the doctor to insert a spiral without injuring the uterus. Many women are afraid that the spiral, if worn for a long time, may grow into tissue. The probability of this is, but it is very small. At the request of a woman, the spiral can always be removed and replaced with another, less traumatic contraceptive.

Pregnancy during breastfeeding is possible, and natural contraception should be treated with caution. If further pregnancy is undesirable for you, choose more reliable methods of protection.

See you soon, dear friends!

Having a baby is a joy for mother and father. They are busy taking care of the baby and do not think about sexual contact at all.

Some fear that a new conception will occur during lactation. This concern is perfectly reasonable. After all, the body of a young mother underwent serious changes and loads during the bearing of a child and labor. In addition, a woman needs to spend a lot of time and effort caring for a baby who has recently been born.

Conception during lactation: is it possible or not?

Many young mothers are worried about the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during breastfeeding. Relatives, especially the elders, convince the woman that there is nothing to worry about. After all, breastfeeding is a natural method of protecting against an unplanned pregnancy.

Consequently, conception during lactation is not possible. However, women's health experts have a different perspective on whether it is possible to become pregnant with breastfeeding. They think this is likely. Why do the relatives of many women think differently?

The fact is that in past years there was no such method as stimulation of labor in an artificial way (by introducing hormones into the mother’s body). Sometimes, due to any abnormality, childbirth is extremely painful for a woman. Therefore, doctors stimulate them in an artificial way. This method changes the hormonal background of the puerpera. As a result of this, she can become pregnant even during lactation.

How great are the chances of conception during lactation?

After giving birth, the woman’s body needs rest and recovery. Therefore, gynecologists advise young mothers to abandon sexual intercourse for six months after the baby is born. However, few couples are ready to refrain from intimate relationships for such a long time. Doctors say that during lactation it is necessary to use contraceptives. Why? Can I get pregnant while breastfeeding? How real is it? The chances of re-conception are pretty small. However, they exist. During the period of breastfeeding in women, a phenomenon such as lactational amenorrhea is observed. This means that the period of the young mother is absent for some time. Sometimes menstruation in a woman resumes only after the abolition of breastfeeding. Nevertheless, ovulation can occur, and, consequently, conception.

Can lactating mothers get pregnant? The probability of this is small, it is approximately equal to ten percent.

Lactational amenorrhea as a method of contraception

This natural mechanism of the female body is able to protect a young mother from an unplanned pregnancy if she adheres to the following rules:
1. Regularly feeds the child (every 2 hours in the afternoon and 4 times per night).
2. Attaches the baby to the chest not according to the schedule, but according to his desire.
3. It stops the feeding process when the baby has already quenched hunger.
4. Does not stop HB for a long time.
5. Feeds the baby exclusively milk, does not introduce complementary foods and does not give him water.
6. From time to time he takes the child in his arms, lies next to him in bed.

These recommendations contribute to the production of prolactin, the concentration of which in the body increases during breastfeeding. At the same time, more milk is excreted in the woman and the chances of becoming pregnant are reduced.

If, for certain reasons, a young mother cannot breastfeed, she will quickly recover her period after giving birth. Then she needs to seriously think about contraception.

Menstrual cycle during lactation

Everyone knows that after childbirth, menstruation does not resume immediately. If the lactation period is normal, menstruation comes about a year after birth. The likelihood of pregnancy during breastfeeding directly depends on how quickly the period of a young mother resumes. This process proceeds differently. It depends on the individual characteristics of the female body. In some young mothers, menstruation begins 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. There are several factors that provoke the early resumption of menstruation in nursing women. These are reasons such as:
1. The presence of complementary foods and water in the baby’s diet.

2. Inadequate breastfeeding.
3. Hormonal disorders (low levels of prolactin, which worsens the process of milk secretion).
4. Refusal of lactation at night.
5. Therapy with hormone-containing drugs.
In most healthy women, menstruation does not recover earlier than two months after the lactation period ends.

Why does conception occur during HB?

So, the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant when breastfeeding is positive in the case when the woman has resumed the process of ovulation and the menstrual cycle. If a woman during lactation lives sexually and does not use contraception, she can conceive even in the absence of menstruation. After all, ovulation passes unnoticed, a few days before menstruation, and does not manifest itself externally. The fertilization process can occur during this period.
Sometimes a young mother learns that she has a baby during lactation only when he begins to move in the womb. Since there are no menstruation during the period of hepatitis B, a woman may not understand that conception has taken place.

Signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding

So, what external manifestations may indicate that a nursing mother is carrying a child? Firstly, due to the hormones produced during pregnancy, milk changes its taste and smell. If the baby is completely healthy, but refuses to take the breast, the young mother should check to see if there was a second conception during lactation. Also, a woman may notice a decrease in milk production. Pain and swelling of the mammary glands may appear. Menstruation, if it has already resumed in the nursing mother, disappears again. A woman feels cramps in the abdomen, nausea, discomfort in the lower back, frequent urination.

Toxicosis and the amount of milk during pregnancy during lactation

However, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, aversion to food, and dizziness may be absent after conception during HBV. Some women who find themselves in this situation notice a significant increase in appetite. If a young mother constantly wants to eat, this is an occasion to undergo examinations in order to identify a possible pregnancy. Increased appetite and a decrease in the amount of milk are the mechanisms of the female body, which conserves its resources to maintain a new life. Sometimes a mother needs to sacrifice something for the sake of her unborn child. If severe nipple pain and insufficient milk make lactation difficult, it will have to be stopped.

Should I continue to breastfeed?

Unfortunately, most mothers have to interrupt the lactation process after a new conception. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant when you are breastfeeding is positive, and if life reappears in the woman’s body, she needs to take care, first of all, of the unborn baby, because the substances that are needed are released from the mother’s body with milk for the development of the fetus. In addition, the hormones that the body produces during HBV can cause a miscarriage. However, a healthy woman who has never had an abortion before may not interrupt lactation during pregnancy. It is also necessary to gradually feed the baby so that he weaned from breast milk. It will be more comfortable for both mother and baby.
A woman should eat well.

It is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium and iron, be sure to include kefir, beef dishes, bananas, pomegranates in the daily menu. The expectant mother should fully get enough sleep and have enough rest.

How to prevent an unplanned pregnancy

Many women are concerned about the issue of whether it is possible to become pregnant with breastfeeding and what methods of contraception to use to prevent this from happening. There are several ways to protect, for example:
1. Condoms.
2. Means that suppress the activity of male germ cells (tablets, suppositories).
3. Hormonal contraceptives.
4. The Navy.
Only a gynecologist can recommend to a woman who would like to take hormonal contraceptives those products that will not harm the baby and will not affect the volume of breast milk. Knowing that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant with HB is positive, doctors are ready for young mothers to be interested in ways to protect themselves from conception during this period. And gynecologists can always suggest the right solution.

When is the best time to plan your next pregnancy?

Young parents are likely to be happy to add to the family. However, experts do not advise rushing to plan the next conception. The best option for a woman will be to become a mother again when her newborn baby grows up and enough essential substances are found in his body, which are found in breast milk. Since it is known that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during breastfeeding is affirmative, young mothers should protect themselves from conception. It will be better for both them and the kids. According to experts, it is better to conceive again at least two years after the birth of the oldest child.

Then the body of the expectant mother will already recover sufficiently and will be ready to bear the baby.

The question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during breastfeeding is more relevant than ever. Therefore, experts consider it necessary to advise a woman about this and give the necessary recommendations.

This question often arises in a woman, even one that uses contraception. This is largely due to the fact that a woman does not know how and when pregnancy occurs and what conditions are needed for this.

What we will understand:

  • On which days of the cycle is it possible to get pregnant
  • Is interrupted intercourse effective
  • If a condom has flown or broken - is there a possibility of pregnancy - what to do
  • Is it possible to determine from whom the pregnancy came if there were different partners
  • Mistakes in taking contraceptive pills - is pregnancy possible?
  • Emergency contraception
  • How and when to check for pregnancy

What days of the cycle is it possible to get pregnant?

Not all women are pregnant and just pregnant, for some women this is a problem. In addition, even healthy women are normal. may not get pregnant in every menstrual cycle. Here are a few important points about this:

  • One of the conditions for the onset of pregnancy is the presence of ovulation (the egg leaves the follicle) - ovulation does not normally occur in every menstrual cycle of a healthy woman, several times a year ovulation may not occur or may occur incorrectly.
  • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, ovulation may occur rarely or not at all
  • In order for pregnancy to occur, only ovulation is not enough - many other factors play a role

So in order to get pregnantit’s important not only that you have ovulation, but it’s also required availability of the following conditions:

  • The fallopian tubes must be passable
  • Your partner's sperm must be able to fertilize the egg
  • You or your partner should not have other diseases and conditions that could prevent the onset of pregnancy.

As you can see, there are a lot of conditions, and a lot of couples turn to clinics with the problem of infertility, although before they did not suspect that this could happen to them and even prevented pregnancy.

Important thought!Unprotected sexual intercourse, even on dangerous days, does not mean that you will definitely become pregnant, there is a chance, but it is not one hundred percent.

It is known that there are so-called   "Dangerous days"that is, those days in a woman’s cycle when she can become pregnant. These days are calculatedregarding the following data:

  • Normally, ovulation most often occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle (if you have 28 days, it means on day 14, if 26 - on 13, if 21, then on 11), but the time of onset of ovulation can change, as in the direction of an earlier onset and later
  • An egg that leaves the follicle during ovulation lives on average 48 hours
  • Spermatozoa that have got into the female genital tract on average remain viable for 72 hours, however, some cases have been described when their lifespan was more than 1 week

Given these data, it was suggested that 5 days before the middle of the cycle and 5 days after - there are dangerous days in the relationship of conception. So, with a 28-day cycle, the period from 9 to 19 days of the cycle is considered dangerous days.

Important!  The first day of the cycle is considered the first day of the onset of menstruation (when spotting has already appeared, and not "daub"), and not the day the menstruation ends.

Conclusion:  if unprotected intercourse occurred during this period of the cycle, there is a chance of pregnancy (the closer to the middle of the cycle, the higher the probability). If the sexual intercourse was immediately after menstruation (before 9 days) or later than the 19th day of the cycle, the probability of pregnancy is extremely low, but not completely excluded, since the time of ovulation onset sometimes shifts or sperm can be very tenacious. This rarely happens, but the facts are known.

Important!  Definition "Dangerous days" very conditional and only matters if your menstrual cycle is regular. If your cycle is not regular, it means that your ovulation may or may not occur at all, or rarely occur on a variety of days. Therefore, with an irregular cycle, pregnancy can happen even if sexual intercourse was during menstruation or a few days before it begins - that is, actually on the “safest” days.

Thus, to the question: " "Could I get pregnant if unprotected intercourse was on such a day of the cycle?"it is impossible to answer with complete certainty - even if it was a safe day, there is a minimal chance of pregnancy. At the same time, sexual intercourse, even on dangerous days, may not lead to pregnancy, since only the presence of ovulation is not enough for pregnancy to occur.

What then to do - read below in paragraph emergency contraception.

Is interrupted intercourse effective?

This method, oddly enough, is one of the most common ways to prevent pregnancy, at the same time its reliability is extremely low.

This is due to the fact that sperm are secreted from the penis not only at the time of ejaculation, but also during sexual intercourse. With repeated intercourse, sperm can be excreted from the penis throughout the entire act, unless the partner during the break did not go to the toilet. Thus, no matter how excellent the reaction, it will not play a big role in protecting against pregnancy.

In cases where the interrupted sexual intercourse is effective, more often there are additional factors (safe day, infertility of one or both partners), the proportion of the method itself in preventing unwanted pregnancy is very low.

Therefore, if you use this method of contraception, then the question “could I get pregnant?” Will always remain open until the onset of menstruation or its delay.

If a condom has flown or broken, is there a possibility of pregnancy?

Let me remind you that a condom is a contraceptive method that allows you to not only avoid an unwanted pregnancy, but also to protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections.

Condom not one of the most reliable contraceptive methodsand for the most part this is due to errors in its use. The most common mistake is putting the condom on the penis incorrectly (tip: read the instructions carefully).

Although condoms are a fairly durable product, but sometimes they are not able to resist the intense passion, which leads to their rupture or slipping with the ensuing consequences. Of great importance is the quality of condoms used (tip: buy condoms from reputable companies).

Another common situation  - a condom is worn only at the end of sexual intercourse, before ejaculation - this is not correct, since the most active sperm are secreted some time before ejaculation. Therefore, with this approach, protection against pregnancy is reduced.

Thus, if the condom has flown off, or torn, or you put it on at the end of sexual intercourse - all this can lead to pregnancy, but remember that it’s not enough just to get sperm in the vagina to become pregnant, so even if this happens, pregnancy may not occur . The question “Could I get pregnant?” Remains open again.

Is it possible to determine from whom the pregnancy came if there were different partners?

They often ask me a question - “ From whom did I get pregnant if during one menstrual cycle there were intercourse with different partners

I will answer right away - it is impossible to reliably determine before the birth of a child. Let us reason logically - the greatest chance of getting pregnant is from the partner with whom you had sexual intercourse on “dangerous days,” that is, from day 9 to day 19 of the cycle with a 28-day cycle. However, you remember that there are situations when ovulation can shift in time or sperm can remain viable for a long time, but this does not happen so often. Therefore, when deciding the question “from whom could I get pregnant?” We can only assume that pregnancy occurred from the partner with whom sexual intercourse was closer to the middle of the cycle, that is, on “dangerous days”.

Definitely, you can answer this question only after the birth of the baby, by conducting a test to establish paternity. An indirect sign (if you do not want to conduct a special test) by which it will be possible to assume paternity can be a child’s blood group - only if your partners had different blood types, then according to the laws of inheritance, you can clearly determine which of the partners cannot to be the father of the child.

Mistakes in taking contraceptive pills - is pregnancy possible?

Hormonal contraceptives are one of the most reliable methods of preventing pregnancy, however, with errors in taking these drugs - pregnancy is possible.

The instructions for each drug always have rules - how to behave if a tablet was missed or it was taken later. I will try to explain why these rules exist, and what happens when there are errors in admission - then it will become more clear what to do.

While taking contraceptive pills, several processes occur in your body that prevent pregnancy: the maturation of follicles in the ovaries is blocked, the activity of the fallopian tubes changes, the active growth of the uterine mucosa is blocked (where the fertilized egg is attached), and the viscosity of the mucus in the cervical canal also changes uterus (which complicates the passage of sperm into the uterus).

Every day, when you take a pill, you maintain a certain concentration of the drug in the blood. One tablet works only 24 hours, after this time, the concentration of the drug in the blood begins to fall and this gives a signal to ensure that all processes suppressed in the body begin to resume. First of all, this concerns the growth of follicles (it is in them that the egg ripens, which leaves during ovulation).

When you take the pill on time, the concentration of the drug does not fall, but keeps at the same level, effectively blocking all necessary processes.
  There is a rule that if you forgot to take a pill on time, you need to drink it as soon as you remember about it (there are 12 hours of permissible lateness), that is, nothing is activated during these 12 hours and if you manage to take the pill - all the contraceptive effect will continue.

If you miss a pill for more than 12 hours, then in this case you need to take - 2 tablets, that is, the next + missed one, while taking the next pill. The following is usually an indication that from this moment before the onset of menstruation, an additional condom must be used. What for? This is due to the fact that during the passage of the pill, the concentration of the drug in the blood decreases and there is a chance that the growth of follicles may resume, and (albeit belated) ovulation occurs.

The following questions arise:

  • If unprotected intercourse occurred during skipping a pill, is there a chance of pregnancy provided that the missed pill was taken according to the rules described above? I answer, most likely, there will be no pregnancy, since continued use of the drug will prevent the development of pregnancy, but there are exceptions.
  • If you do not use an additional condom after skipping the pill - is pregnancy possible - there is a chance. In many respects it depends on which tablet was missed. The safest pass is the pass of the last tablets in a pack, since there is practically no time left for attaching a fertilized egg to the uterine cavity (it takes about 4-5 days for this).

Skipping the first pills in a pack is more dangerous in terms of pregnancy development, since during this period the follicle begins to grow and if it leaves the suppressive effect of the drug at the initial stage, then it can continue to grow and achieve ovulation in the future, despite taking the drug.

Important!  If pregnancy occurred while taking hormonal contraceptives - there is no medical indication for its termination. As has been shown in numerous studies, taking hormonal contraceptives does not have a negative effect on the fetus and does not affect the course of pregnancy.

The contraceptive effect of hormonal contraceptives may decrease in other situations. For example, if you have diarrhea, vomiting, or if you started taking certain types of medications in parallel (which ones are listed in the instructions).

If vomiting  happens within 1 hour after taking the pill - it is better to drink another pill, since during this time the drug may not have time to fully absorb.

Diarrhea  may also impair absorption of the drug, which would be tantamount to missing a pill. Contraceptive drugs are very difficult to absorb in the gastrointestinal tract. They are first absorbed in the intestine, then enter the liver, where they undergo the first stage of transformation. Then they are secreted with bile again into the intestinal lumen and only this time they are absorbed into the blood in an active form. Thus, any digestive disorders can affect this complex process of the drug getting into the bloodstream, so if you have digestive problems while taking contraceptives, you need to be safe again and take additional preventive measures (condom).


  • hormonal contraception is very reliable only if you use it correctly and you do not have situations in which the concentration of the drug in the blood drops.
  • If there is even the slightest doubt - use a condom until the onset of menstruation
  • It is safest to skip the last pill in a pack
  • If you tend to forget to drink tablets on time - you can change the tablets to another form - the vaginal ring (Nova Ring) or the patch (Evra)
  • Pregnancy that has occurred while taking hormonal contraceptives does not need to be interrupted for medical reasons, since hormonal contraception does not adversely affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Emergency contraception

If, nevertheless, unprotected sexual intercourse has occurred, measures must be taken. For these purposes, there is the so-called "emergency contraception"

Emergency contraception drugs include:

  • Postinor
  • Escapel
  • Ginepriston

There is also a method based on a special regimen for taking conventional hormonal contraceptives, but I will not describe it here, since it has been shown that its effectiveness is very low. Another option for emergency contraception is the introduction of an intrauterine device, but I do not really support this method, so I will omit the story about it.

How do these drugs work?

Postinor and Escapel  - contain the same substance, only in different dosages, and therefore, to achieve the effect when using postinor, you need to take 2 tablets, and when using the escapel drug, only one.

Ginepriston  - contains another substance - mifepristone - 10 mg. This drug has similar effects, but they are more pronounced. Mifepristone blocks progesterone receptors - the main hormone of pregnancy. This prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg and disrupts the ovulation process. At higher dosages, this drug is used to terminate a pregnancy medically, but it works at a dose of 10 mg for an already begun pregnancy.

Important!  These drugs are not effective if implantation of a fertilized egg has already occurred, that is, if pregnancy has already happened - there will be no effect.

The effectiveness of these drugs is from 70 to 90%. The sooner a drug is taken after unprotected intercourse, the higher its effectiveness.

For each of the preparations indicated the period during which it will be effectivetake a pill:

  • Postinor - not later than 72 hours after intercourse, the first tablet is taken, the second tablet is taken 12 hours after the first.
  • Escapel - only one tablet is taken no later than 96 hours after sexual intercourse
  • Ginepriston - only one tablet is taken no later than 120 hours after unprotected intercourse. For maximum effectiveness, 2 hours before taking the drug and 2 hours after - you must refrain from eating.

Of all the drugs presented, Ginepristone is most effective.

Despite such long time intervals, practice shows that the pill should be taken as soon as possible, especially if unprotected sexual intercourse occurred during the period of “dangerous days”. The later the drug is taken, the less effective it will be, because these drugs do not affect a pregnancy that has already happened.

After taking the drug, there can be various side effects: nausea, pain in the lower abdomen, headache, increased fatigue, dizziness, engorgement of the mammary glands, vomiting, diarrhea, menstruation delay of more than 7 days, or vice versa, their earlier start.

If after taking the drug within the first three hours there is vomiting - the drug should be repeated.

Many are concerned about the fact that after taking emergency contraception medications, the menstrual cycle goes astray - this is true. This could happen. Menstruation can come earlier or later than expected (especially if the drug was taken at the beginning of the cycle) and in the future can disrupt the arrival of the next menstruation. As a rule, such cycle disorders are temporary in nature and quickly pass either on their own or with the use of hormonal contraceptives.

Important!  Emergency contraceptives should not be used on a regular basis. There are many convenient and effective means for permanent contraception. Emergency contraception, even based on the name, should be used only in "emergency cases", maybe 1 or 2 times in life. Frequent use of this type of contraception is extremely contraindicated and can lead to persistent menstrual dysfunction.

What is still important to note.

  • After taking emergency contraception, all subsequent sexual intercourse in this menstrual cycle should be protected, since the effect of the drug on subsequent sexual intercourse does not apply.
  • If there is a delay in menstruation for more than 5 days, it is necessary to check for pregnancy.
  • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle with a tendency to delays - a pregnancy test should be done approximately 20 days after intercourse (if menstruation does not start at this time). If the test is negative, and menstruation does not come, the test must be repeated after a few days.

How and when to check for pregnancy

Despite all the precautions and even taking emergency contraception, there is still a need to check whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

There are 2 ways to do this:

  • Pregnancy test
  • HCG blood test

Pregnancy testsare sold almost everywhere (pharmacies, supermarkets, gas stations). It is important to purchase several tests of different brands or one brand. It's better just do a test in the morning, I use the first portion of urine. This is important, since the first morning portion of urine is the most concentrated, therefore it contains the highest amount of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin is a substance that begins to be produced from the very beginning of pregnancy and its concentration in the blood and urine rapidly increases every day).

The test using a special chemical reaction determines the presence of hCG in the urine - the first strip on the test shows that the test is working fine, and the presence of the second strip indicates that there is hCG in the urine, and at a concentration that does not happen in the absence of pregnancy . Even if the second strip is barely visible - it still means that the test is positive.

If the pregnancy is very short term (the first days of the delay), the test may not show anything during the day or evening (especially if you drank a lot of fluids that day). The test must be redone in the morning.

With each day of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG in the urine increases, so the test should be done several days in a row.

False negative result  maybe (that is, there is a pregnancy, but the test does not show it - this happens in the case of a defective test or a very early pregnancy). It is necessary to redo the test (for example, using a test of another company) or repeat it the next day in the morning.

False positive test  almost never happens (a very rare case in the presence of certain diseases and conditions). That is, if the test showed the presence of a second strip - pregnancy is.

Important!  If there is an ectopic pregnancy, the test will also show a positive result.

Once you have a positive pregnancy test result you need consult a gynecologist immediately. Ultrasound will be prescribed for you for approximately 10 days of delay. Whatever decision you make regarding your pregnancy (whether to save it or not), the doctor must make sure that you have a uterine pregnancy, that is, see a fetal egg in the uterus. Until this fact is established, no decisions are made.

This is due to the fact that always there is a risk of ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Therefore, delaying a visit to the gynecologist in the presence of a positive pregnancy test is unacceptable, since in the case of an ectopic pregnancy, urgent hospitalization is required, since this condition represents a big threat to life.

HCG blood test- This is a more accurate method for determining pregnancy, as its result is presented in the form of specific numbers. If, when using a conventional test, it is necessary to determine the presence of a second strip by eye, then in the blood test for hCG, a figure reflecting the amount of this substance in the blood will be clearly indicated.

Therefore, if you have doubts about the results of a routine pregnancy test - just take a blood test in the nearest laboratory, or consult a gynecologist, he will give you a referral.

When to do a pregnancy test?

If you regular menstrual cycle- The test should be done in the first days of menstruation delay. It is not advisable to do early, since the test can give a false negative result.

If you have a cycle not regular, with a tendency to delays, the test can be started about 20 days after unprotected intercourse and then every other day or every day (in the morning).

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to become pregnant during pregnancy seems obvious. It would seem that conception has already come and cannot be repeated. However, in recent decades, serious discoveries have been made in the field of gynecology and cases have become known when pregnancy occurred in a pregnant woman.

In order for the conception to take place, it is necessary to merge the female reproductive cell with the sperm. This natural process occurs in the pelvic cavity of a woman. Previously, the follicle matures within a few weeks. When the egg is ready for fertilization, it leaves the ovary and enters the fallopian tube.

Unprotected sexual intercourse committed within a week before ovulation or the next day leads to the fact that the sperm penetrates the vagina. From there, it is transported through the cervix and cervical canal into the uterus, and then into the fallopian tube.

Sometimes in the body of a woman, two eggs mature. This leads to the onset of multiple pregnancy. In such a situation, embryos develop separately from each other in an individual fetal egg. If during the process of fertilization the egg is divided into two identical parts, then identical twins can become pregnant, but this happens less often.

What happens to the female reproductive system during pregnancy

After conception, the fertilized egg is sent to the cavity of the genital organ. After about 3-7 days, her implantation occurs. At this point, the uterus should be as ready for this process as possible and have a sufficient thickness of the endometrium - the functional mucous layer.

After the female gamete leaves the ovary, a yellow body forms in this place. It is a source of progesterone. This hormone is necessary to maintain the uterus in a normal tone, which prevents rejection of the fetal egg. Progesterone is a second-phase hormone.

If it is secreted throughout the cycle, it will suppress the activity of estrogens - substances necessary for the maturation of the egg. Based on the work of the hormonal background, it has been scientifically proven that repeated pregnancy cannot occur during pregnancy.

  By the beginning of the second trimester, the corpus luteum undergoes regression, and the placenta begins to play its role. The child's place reliably protects the baby from the influence of negative factors, and also performs the transportation of nutrients and blood circulation. The likelihood of becoming pregnant in this case is not even considered. New eggs do not mature, and the uterus is not in a condition to accept an embryo.

Despite scientific experiments and the available evidence base, some women were able to become pregnant again during pregnancy. By 2011, medical practice recorded at least 10 such cases. Conception in women occurred naturally in the middle of the cycle, as expected.

However, over the next two weeks it was carried out. Unprotected intercourse led to the fact that the pregnant woman again experienced all that had already happened several weeks ago.

The second fertilization can occur only in the same cycle as the first. That is, when a woman does not yet know about her new condition. In the second, third and subsequent months of pregnancy, a new conception is impossible.

An interesting fact is that superfoundation is a normal process for animals (cats and dogs). In humans, this condition occurs extremely rarely and becomes an exception to the generally accepted rules of the reproductive system.

Why do doctors sometimes recommend using a condom during pregnancy?

Throughout the gestational period, doctors advise using the barrier method of contraception. The purpose of protection is not to protect against a new conception. Condoms are necessary in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Most of them adversely affect the condition of the fetus, they are especially dangerous in the early and late stages of pregnancy. Sex with a condom will be safer for a woman and her unborn baby.

In late pregnancy, semen can affect the condition of the cervix, soften it and bring the process of childbirth closer. With the threat of preterm birth, specialists do not allow sexual intercourse without a condom.